Naples Forcella //

Clutching a heart in Via Ferri Vecchi
'Rise up People'
Walking 3 dogs in Via Padre Tosti
A tired old man in a green jumper and number 91
Refuse bins and the delivery of food to an upper floor
Taking a break
'One way' and thanks from the famiglia Scuotto
Padre Pio
The sinister face of Punchinello in Vitolo D'Arte
Before a grand place of worship in less grand surroundings
A helmet with a yellow star
San Sebastián once more
A single shoe in Via del Grande Archivio
White motorino, green door and washing
'Keep it real'
An escape attempt
After Antonio and Mario, Luca has arrived!
A yellow, toy tractor in a depleted courtyard
Sitting outside a pizzeria in Via Tribunali
Young couple and a motorino
The hospital for broken dolls
A white, plastic chair and a 'Mastiffs' sign
An antique store and a young couple
Playing out with 3 empty chairs
An old lady and yellow street art
Red motorino and a old man in a cap
A sculpture of a large dog
The last of the evening sunshine
Forza Napoli'
'Hope' for Forcella